Abbie Alegno's profile

Crsnt_Lun3 Animated Stream Overlay

Stream Overlay for Twitch
This year, I was interested in stream and decided to start a twitch channel of my own. With this, I wanted to create my own overlays based on the character I have displayed on my screen.
Video Player Banner
Starting Soon Overlay
Crsnt_Lun3 (pronunciation Crescent Lune) is a moon fragment that has been working to preserve the moon and keep it from falling apart. For many years, she grew tired of doing the same thing over and over and wanted to do something else. In one of her most recent visits to Earth, she discovers streaming and how much fun and joy it gives to individuals. After this trip, she has stopped herself from working her boring job and decided to give streaming a try.

Content Display Overlay
One thing I wanted to do with this project was relate the concept of Lun3 to the overlay. I wanted to show a lot of celestial/astral concepts since her name is related to the moon, but nothing too flashy. I did not want the design to make the stream stand out less, so I had relied on the use of colour to make sure everything was in harmony with each other.

I first started this by looking at other stream overlays to get an idea of the layout I would want to display on stream. After that, I create all the assets and chose the ones That I wanted to animate. I then move the project to After Effects and start to create the animation for the starting soon screen. When deciding what to animate, I wanted to do something where it was not too much when viewing it from the stream. I needed to keep everything flowing at a steady tempo, nothing too fast or slow paced.
Be Right Back Overlay
When deciding what to do for the be right back and ending overlay animation, I wanted something that was not too flashy since it was going to be showed only a few couple of times and for a short duration.
Stream Ending Overlay
If you would like an animated stream overlay of your own, feel free to check out my service for that on the Services Page!
Crsnt_Lun3 Animated Stream Overlay


Crsnt_Lun3 Animated Stream Overlay
